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A Minor Program was opened between the Department of Sociology and the Department of Political Science and International Relations

The Department of Political Science and International Relations Minor Program will accept students starting from the Spring Semester 2024-2025.

Sociology Talks XXV

On 6 January 2025 at 2.30 p.m., Dr. Deniz Güneş Yardımcı gave a lecture on the topic "Vom Gastarbeiterkino zum Transnationalen Kino: Der Wandel von Kultur und Identität im deutschen Migrationsfilm"

Sociology Talks XXIV

On 11 December 2024 at 2.30 p.m., Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Sipahi gave a lecture on the topic "1960'lar Amerikan Antropolojisinde Türkiye Çalışmaları"

Kultureller Wandel im Spannungsfeld von Kommunikation und der Globalisierung sozialer Praktiken

The international symposium titled “Kultureller Wandel im Spannungsfeld von Kommunikation und der Globalisierung sozialer Praktiken”, organized by our faculty, took place from November 28–30, 2024. In the session titled “Globale soziale Praktiken am Beispiel von Wanderungsphänomenen und sozialen Krisen”, moderated by our department’s faculty member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Valentin Rauer, our department coordinator Prof. Dr. Thomas Faist (Bielefeld University) participated as an invited speaker with his presentation “Die Lösung ist das Problem: Migration und Dilemmata des Nationalstaats.” Additionally, our faculty member Dr. Güzin Ağca-Varoğlu contributed with her paper titled “Der Einfluss der Internationalisierung der Hochschulbildung auf das Empowerment der einheimischen und ausländischen Studentinnen.”

Sociology Talks XXIII

On 11 November 2024 at 2.30 p.m., Assoc. Prof. Dr. Guido Neidhöfer gave a lecture on the topic "Pre/Post COVID-19 Intergenerational Inequality: The Worldwide Education Crisis and Its Long-Run Persistence"

Sociology Talks XXII

On 17 October 2024 at 2.30 p.m., Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak Kaptan Şiray gave a lecture on the topic "Aidiyeti Çerçevelemek: Türk-Alman Sanatçılar ve Çağdaş Sanatta Temsil Politikaları"

Our head of department Anlam Filiz, presented her paper at the European Sociology Association Congress

Our head of department Anlam Filiz, contributed to the European Sociology Association Congress, the largest scientific event in Europe in the field of Sociology, which was held in Porto this year with the participation of over 4000 researchers, with her paper titled "Tense Or Not Tense?: Highly Qualified Turkish Migrants’ Interpretations of Unpleasant Interactions in Germany".

Düşünmeyi Harmanlamak: Akademik Okuma ve Yazma Becerileri-III

Ozan Tekin from Sabancı University held a workshop titled "Düşünmeyi Harmanlamak: Akademik Okuma ve Yazma Becerileri-III" in our department.

Düşünmeyi Harmanlamak: Akademik Okuma ve Yazma Becerileri-II

Ozan Tekin from Sabancı University held a workshop titled "Düşünmeyi Harmanlamak: Akademik Okuma ve Yazma Becerileri-II" in our department.

Düşünmeyi Harmanlamak: Akademik Okuma ve Yazma Becerileri-I

Ozan Tekin from Sabancı University held a workshop titled "Düşünmeyi Harmanlamak: Akademik Okuma ve Yazma Becerileri-I" in our department.

Heiratsmigration und gesellschaftliche Partizipation & Einführung in die Habitus-Hermeneutik

Serçin Şahin, faculty member at Leibniz University, led a two-day seminar-workshop program in our department entitled “Heiratsmigration und soziale Teilhabe & Einführung in die Habitus-Hermeneutik”.

Sociology Talks XXI

On 10 Januar 2024 at 2.30 p.m., Assoc. Prof. Dr. Robin Kurilla gave a lecture on the topic "Kulturspezifische Emotionsdynamiken in interpersonalen Konflikten-Erkenntnisse aus Bali, dem Baskenland und dem Ruhrgebiet"

Sociology Talks XX

On 15 December 2023 at 2 p.m., Dr. M. Altuğ Yayla gave a lecture on the topic "Erken Modern Osmanlı Popüler Kültüründe Kahvehaneler ve Hikaye Anlatıcıları"

Knowledge Production in Today's Changing Societies Seminar Series II

In the "Knowledge Production in Today's Changing Societies Seminar Series II" event organised by the Department of Sociology in cooperation with the Goethe Institute, DAAD and Bielefeld University, Ursula Böckler and Georg Graw talked about the film "Residence 6".

Sociology Talks XIX

On 6 November 2023 at 2 p.m., Prof. Dr. Ali Ergur gave a lecture on the topic "Cumhuriyetin Yüzyıllık Sosyoloji Birikimi: Kökler, Sorunlar, Yönelimler"

Internationale Studierendenmobilität: Trends, Erfahrungen und Resultate

Dr. Mustafa Aksakal from Bielefeld University conducted a three-day workshop entitled "Internationale Studierendenmobilität: Trends, Erfahrungen und Resultate". 

Wie Solingen gedenken? Geschichte, Erinnerungskultur, Musealität

On 31 October 2023, Dr. F.Güzin Ağca-Varoğlu gave a lecture on the topic "Minderheit innerhalb einer Minderheit: Konvertiten als neue Aktuere und Aktuere und Träger des muslimischen Erbes in Deutschland" 

The Socio-Ecological Question: How Environmental Destruction Reinforces Inequalities and Reshapes Migration

On 31 October, 2023, Prof. Dr. Thomas Faist gave a lecture on the topic "The Socio-Ecological Question: How Environmental Destruction Reinforces Inequalities and Reshapes Migration"

Minor Program

With the protocol signed between the Department of Economics and the Department of Sociology, we offer our students the opportunity to minor.

Minor Program

With the protocol signed between the Department of Culture and Communication Sciences and the Department of Sociology, we offer our students the opportunity to minor.